Super Soldier
Positive & Negative Military Corporations, MK Ultra, MiLab, Secret Space Programs &
Unit 374 - Lincoln Clay
Worldwide Military Corporations

"For centuries, a significant portion of planetary affairs and initiatives within the special access programs has been largely influenced by the worldwide military contractors that have existed on a largely covert level throughout history. The individual interests of each of these corporations can vary widely, but here we will be exploring in detail some of the key organizations impacting planetary affairs today. In addition, we will also go into detail regarding which corporations harbor negative agendas for the planet, and which ones have a largely positive influence seeking to assist humanity. However, it is important to keep in mind that even the organizations that are labelled as “positive” have been involved in at least some questionable activities that may be deemed as a “necessary evil”. On the other hand, organizations involved in mostly negative activities could be seen to take part in agendas of a more positive leaning. Therefore, some of these corporations could fall within a grey area where they could have mixed intentions depending on the context, however for the purpose of simplicity, we will attempt to categorize each of these organizations accordingly. (A.C.I.O. CITED INFORMATION)
Positive Groups
These groups have been around for thousands of years and their main function is to help Humanity and keep our timeline clear. These groups appeared 5,000 years ago to the early 1600's. Each Group has their own specialties but all are in the business of helping Humanity as the negative groups, agendas and offshoot groups continue to fight and trick mankind.
The Kruger Mercenary Corporation - This corporation was established in our timeline during the Napoleon Wars. The organization was founded by former Nazi, Gabriel Kruger, who was originally from the year 1815 before he time travelled forward in time to the 1920s to connect with his descendants in Germany prior to World War II. Kruger specializes in building and using physical augments that gives personnel highly enhanced abilities such as greater speed, agility, strength, etc.*
Cyberlife - was established in 1650, just a few years after the end of the 30 years’ war in Europe and was soft disclosed in the video game “Detroit: Become Human”. They specialize in the production of artificial human robots called androids, who are built with the purpose and intention of serving humanity and to help assist humans in improving their physical, mental abilities and quality of life.
Shoreline - is the second oldest organization on the list as they have been mentioned throughout history in ancient texts up to 5000 years old. They specialize in extracting information and knowledge from any sort of media, individual, or species.
Trinity - was formed relatively recently in 1881 with the focus of recovering ancient technologies across the globe and repairing them into an operational state.
Delphi - was founded in 1918 by Peter Mason as a response to the heavy use of poison gas and chemical warfare during the 1st world war. This is where the term “weapons of mass destruction” was originally formed.
Typhon - The Typhon Group is a German based corporation originating from an alternate reality where the Nazi’s and the Axis powers won World War II and then went on to operate on a positive timeline.
Negative Groups
These groups have been around for thousands of years and their main function is to help Humanity and keep our timeline clear. These groups appeared 5,000 years ago to the early 1600's. Each Group has their own specialties but all are in the business of helping Humanity as the negative groups, agendas and offshoot groups continue to fight and trick mankind.
Monarch - The earliest references to Monarch Corporation date as far back as 6000 years ago. The ACIO considers Monarch corporation to be the oldest and worst conglomerate on the planet when it comes to overall negativity and ill intent towards humanity and the planet. Monarch currently has one specific goal: To create the ultimate slave system to control and dominate humanity. Their method of choice for achieving this is by means of space/time manipulation to shift aspects of our timeline and history as they see fit.
Mobius - is another very old organization that has references in texts as old as 4000 years old. Mobius specializes in the ability to manipulate the fabric and configuration of our reality and context of existence itself.
Murkoff - was founded in 1923 as our youngest company on the list by Alexander (A.K.A. Sasha) Murkoff. Murkoff was a highly eccentric Soviet Psychiatric medical doctor largely believed to be the craziest and most extreme doctor to have ever existed. Much of the work coming out of Murkoff involved largely brutal, inhumane, and sadistic types of experimentation on MILAB abductees and super soldiers.
Umbrella Corporation - was founded in 1876 by Oswell E. Spencer to become the premier leader in chemical, biochemical, and viral research and warfare. Some of their well known viruses include the T-virus, Uroboros, and the Veronica virus. All of which has been featured in the Resident Evil video games as soft disclosure intel.
Shaw House - is neither a company or corporation, but rather a family based club for highly prominent members of society. They have a wide variety of illegal business activities around the world which includes human trafficking for prostitution, slavery, and human organ harvesting. They also sell valuable intel from various intelligence services and the latest generation cutting edge weapons from the black market.
Arasaka Corporation - is a Japanese mega corporation in a future timeline with activities involved in security, banking, military technology, paramilitary contracting, and many other industry sectors. Arasaka was soft disclosed in the video game, Cyberpunk 2077 released in 2020.
Chiron - Inc. is a powerful corporation established in the future initially disclosed in the video game “Observer” released in 2017. Chiron establishes itself as one of the largest corporations in the world that goes on to replace the government of Poland as the governing body of The Fifth Polish Republic by the year 2059. What is not well known is that the very same Chiron from Greek mythology is closely involved in leading the organization in the modern day.
Tai Yong Medical - is a major Chinese medical and biotech corporation in an alternate future timeline originally disclosed in the Deus Ex video game series. The company initially got its start in 1977 building out prosthetic limbs especially for veteran amputees in China. The company then saw an aggressive expansion in the later 2020s to become the world’s leader in cutting edge prosthetic augments.
The Shadow Group - consists of elite specials ops soldiers recruited from different branches and nations to form a private sector organization committed to enforcing its own interests and agendas. To put it simply, the Shadow Group is likely the most dangerous and negatively oriented group that is currently known to the ACIO. Much like the name would imply, the organization is a quintessential manifestation of the most negative, controlling, and destructive agendas being imposed onto the planet.

The Secret Space Program - is an immense topic in of itself covering a wide spectrum of different agendas that cover various activities on the planet as well as across the solar system. It becomes a challenge explaining the depth and nature of the secret space program to a newcomer as there is really no single party that is “running” the entire operation. A better way to think of it is as a large ecosystem that is inclusive of different earth nations, military factions, large clandestine corporations, leaders, and extra terrestrial groups that are all working for and against each other trying to secure their own individual interests. Due to the numerous groups and individuals active in the field, there really is no unified agenda or goal of the secret space program, which is why the depth of the operation is difficult to summarize concisely.
20 & Back Time travel

20 & Back - is a coined term to explain the taking or abduction of you from a time in your life. You are then traveled to another reality, time or space to be trained or used to complete a mission or a task. You will then be placed back in your reality at specific time before you were first taken or abducted.
The 20 & back methodology - is the oldest form of time travel and almost acts as the “Model T” when it comes to time travel protocols. Pioneering explorations into time travel revealed that time naturally flows on earth at a natural rhythm of 20 years. Due to this characteristic, this made time travel most ideal for traveling both forward and backwards in time in 20 year increments. Of course today, it is possible to time travel in smaller increments as necessary, however this does typically require more sophisticated mechanics and techniques in order to safely navigate.
According to Peter the Insider - the natural 20 year time traveling cycle is a rhythm specific to the earth and is closely tied to the earth’s natural electromagnetic frequency, otherwise known as the Schumann Resonance. In recent years, with the growth of advanced industrial electronics, mass electromagnetic pollution has become widespread on the planet. This has had the effect of disrupting the earth’s natural frequency, therefore causing disruptions with many of the earth’s natural phenomenon which has indirectly led to various natural disasters and overall damage to the environment
Recruitment into the Projects - A key priority for the special programs for time traveling missions is the proper criteria and selection of recruits and mission operatives. There are 2 different groups that are typically prioritized for the special projects: The 1st group includes soldiers and members of elite military units typically involved in highly classified and sensitive missions. The 2nd group of people are typically personnel used for maintaining, operating and further developing time travel technology. Large numbers of experiments are conducted particularly for time traveling related projects. Roughly 90% of the personnel sent on these missions are assigned with inner body implants or injected with black goo based miniature technology such as nano(x10e-9) or femto(x10e-15) technologies. When selecting candidates for both time traveling missions and experiments, advanced DNA profiling is conducted to determine which individuals have the strongest propensity and physical attributes necessary to safely conduct a time traveling mission. As it turns out, individuals with particular DNA ancestry are far more predisposed for handling and withstanding the different electromagnetic and energetic fluctuations that take place during time travel. An interesting thing to note about experiment participants is that participants do not need to be de-aged back at the end of the mission because their bodies do not age at all in the first place during the time travel experience.
Individuals chosen to go on time travel missions - are often steeped with a strong military background and profile. Individuals who come from a strong lineage of military family members and relatives are typically selected for these projects, however this selection is typically followed by a rigorous testing process to determine who gets confirmed for final placement. Typically, soldiers deployed on these missions can gather clairvoyant insight on wars and various battles in other contexts of existence because of their enhanced psychic vision. On the other hand, civilian non-military operatives are specifically chosen to work on developing and further enhancing time travel technology via experiments.
dark fleet (nacht waffen regir)
Up to this point, the primary goals and objectives of Dark Fleet appear to be to conquer and dominate other planets, civilizations, and harvesting power and resources wherever they can. Their overall agendas don’t appear to have much sophistication as they position themselves as the quintessential force for tyranny throughout the galaxy.
Dark fleet (also known as Nacht Waffen Regir) - is a fleet of highly sophisticated, self-aware, intelligent, space motherships that were built between roughly 12 and 6 million years ago by an alien race of cyborgs. The Dark fleet AI is equipped with highly advanced mind control technology that is used on personnel operating the ships and equipment in order to keep them under tight control. The AI also conducts sophisticated mind manipulation tactics on certain personnel to extract encrypted intelligence to gain access to high value items and lifeforms to be sold on the market. The Nazi’s eventually formed an alliance with Dark Fleet with the hopes of being able to access their highly advanced weapons and technology, only to become completely co-opted by the advanced AI and its agenda. Dark Fleet has had a history of being the catalyst for many space wars and conflicts especially as the cyborg creators became increasingly involved in corrupt activities throughout the galaxy.
Lincoln Clay - Unit #374
William Lincoln Robinson Clay - can be seen in the video game Mafia 3 and he is the leader of an independent squad that can not be disclosed at this time. He and his squad were highly instrumental in rescuing hybrids/crossbreeds/enhanced children from various advanced military corporations such as Monarch and Umbrella, and he was involved with the early formation of MURG. Lincoln Clay and his squad coordinate their missions with Kruger.
Unit 374 - was formed in another alternate reality on earth where the growing frequency of wide scale planetary and interplanetary conflicts fueled a large demand for elite level super soldiers to be deployed on demand. Unit 374 is among the most elite and specialized groups from within the black ops classification and are the first to come forward to disclose their history, background, and the nature of some of their assignments...
Lincoln Clay, 1st Main Commander in Chief, Tactics Specialist, Time Traveler - Clay’s military career began during an alternate reality event called the Earth Defense War against an invasive cyborg ET race. This war took place in 1948 however did not play out in our present day reality. During the war, circumstances took a drastic turn for the worst as earth forces displayed poor organization and coordination against the enemy, which culminated in an event where many of the top commanders were killed in a major attack. During the war, Lincoln proved to be an excellent tactics advisor and quickly rose through the ranks starting as a random soldier and eventually progressing towards being among the highest ranking commanders during the war. On one hand, he had enough courage to surpass even the most seasoned veterans while still having the fortitude to lead and coordinate another offensive time and time again. Clay had amongst the most decorated combat records during the war, but was most heavily noted for his heroics and bravery during the Siege of Boston. Not long after proving his effectiveness and leadership in nearly all forms of combat, Lincoln Clay was appointed as leader of Unit No. 374 and among the most highly decorated soldiers from within the SSP black ops divisions.
One thing to note - is that the popular video game, “Mafia III”, featured a character by the name of Lincoln Clay. The video game depiction of Clay used a character model that was largely inspired by the real life version of Lincoln Clay within Kruger and Unit 374 as apart of the soft disclosure phenomenon.
Peter the Insider, Operations Observer, (Non-direct member) - Peter is currently operating as the director for the ACIO’s 12th division. The 12th division is largely involved in monitoring and regulating the presence of E.T.s visiting earth and documenting their intentions towards the planet and humanity. In recent years, Peter was officially sanctioned by the ACIO to begin disclosing critical intel to the public relating humanity’s involvement with different E.T.s and the different corporations and players who are influencing the development of the planet from the shadows. Peter’s specific role in the ACIO allows him to participate in a variety of key missions taken on by Unit 374 as an observer in order to report on key events and developments for public disclosure and documentation.
Navigating The Unseen World &
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